Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bag Tag...Your It!

OK, So I was bag tagged by my friend Kari. What is bag tag you ask? Well you take a picture of your bag, empty it out and take another cleaning it out first!! Then you post it on your bolg. Then you tag 5 people. Easy right? So here is mine. I didn't tag everything in my bag but I will list everything just for you!!

OK, so we have got a store list and receipt, small first aid kit, packet of sunscreen from the DR's office, Caden's sunglasses, my mittens, wallet, Barbie watch out of a Honey Smacks box, lemon drops, shortbread cookies, little bath and body lotion, purell, lots of lip stuff, 2 tampies, pen, tide to go stick, check book, calculator, more lotion, (which I have now thrown away because it was gone) 2 diapers, wipes, paint to take back to my friend, Caden's hat and mittens from when we ventured out in the freezing cold yesterday, and one of Dave's scrub tops that I am trying to find a matching color for to replace it. I know, I's a big bag!!

I tag...Andrea, Cecily, Dana, Shanti, and Allie! Anyone else can too if you want.


MommyMert said...

WOW! You carry a lot around. :) I believe it is an excellent assortment of goodies. hehe.. I like the new blog look.