Monday, September 1, 2008

Rise and Shout the Cougars are out!!

So this post is a little backwards. I am just way too excited to get to say that college football has started. Not just college football, but BYU football. Those of you who know me well, know that I have been going to BYU football games since I was 4 years old. I absolutely LOVE them. I love being in the crowd, I love wearing the blue and white, and I LOVE the game of football. I love to hear the pads hit together, I love to watch a long drive, I love...well I think you probably get the fact that I LOVE BYU FOOTBALL. This was something I got to share with my dad, who also was a huge fan, it is fun to have memories of him every time I get to see a game. Now the sad report. Comcast does not carry the MTN. here in Indiana, I guess not a lot of people out here are interested in the Mountain West conference. We will get a few of the games, so I guess I should be happy with that. I have also already told Dave that when we are done with school I would like us to be season ticket holders, he is a fan too so I think we will make sure that happens! OK, so that is probably enough of my ranting, I just really love it!! GO COUGARS!!

Last Thursday Dave and I (and some friends) got to go to a Colts pre-season game is the new Lucas Oil Stadium. I know it is not the biggest stadium, but it is the biggest I have ever been in. It was amazing. Because of Dave's injury we were able to exchange our tickets for some that were in the disabled area, they were really good seats too. No one in front of us, the snack bar right behind us and no stairs for Dave to have to climb. We had a great time!
Now a little report on Dave's Achilles. He had surgery on the 22nd. It was a much bigger deal then either of us thought it would be. Dave was intibated and the surgery lasted about 3 hours. They gave him a nerve block in his leg to help with the pain. Apparently, according to the surgeon, this is the most painful of orthopaedic surgeries to recover from. This proved to be true on Saturday. Now, Dave is a tough guy, he doesn't complain and whine when he is hurt. I don't think anyone knew what really happened when it did because he just walked off the court. Saturday, was horrible, I was bawling watching him be in so much pain, and knowing there was nothing I could do to make it better. The catheter they put in for the nerve block was turned up as high as it could go and was not working and he was taking as much pain meds as he was allowed. By Sunday afternoon his pain seemed to be under control, thank goodness! He has gone back to school and has a follow up appointment on Thursday. We have been told that he could be in a cast for the next 6-12 weeks. Yikes!! We are both hopeful that some of that time will at least be a walking cast so he can get around school/lab a little better. I wanted to say thank you to those of you who have called and wished Dave well. Also those of you who have watched our boys during the last couple weeks, thank you to the two great friends who came and gave Dave a wonderful blessing, and of course all of your prayers on his behalf. Your kindness and generosity are greatly appreciated. We recognize the hand of the Lord in all things and are grateful for His help during all of this.


Pamela said...

Dave, we hope you heal quickly!

Go Cougars :)

darthgoofy said...

Not sure if you are aware of this, but the Colts colors are Blue and White as well...

MommyMert said...

I have my tickets and shirt ready!! Hooray! You come back and I will take you! :) (Remember when we went and FROZE??) Good times. Love Caden at preschool. Dang he is cute.