Monday, September 14, 2009

Here you go!!

I know, I know! It has been 6 weeks Wednesday since we had our baby girl, but man, I totally forgot how much time newborns take! Mine especially thinks she needs to be held at all times, making updating my blog a little difficult. Anyway, before she wakes up here are a few pictures.
We have had a HUGE month but all the rest of the great things are going to have to wait.

Haley Nicole Felt was born on August 5th at 8:35am. She was 8 lbs 12oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Her first cuddle with mom.
I know it's blurry, but it is still pretty cute I think!
Look at all that hair!!
Caden absolutely loves his little sister.
Time to go home!!
Sleeping baby, awww!

Not so sure about the whole bath thing.

Takin' a break in her swing.
This little girl is tightly wrapped around her daddy's finger.
Well there you have it. Stay tuned, I promise it won't take as long for me to update the rest!!


ShOrt StoRy said...

She is so beautiful! Isn't it so great to have a girl! COngrats again!

MommyMert said...

I have been anxiously awaiting pictures! :) Love her already. Can I come hold her? She is so lucky to have you as her Mommy.

Jana and Brett said...

what a sweet baby! Congratulations. Hope all goes well with #4! Wow! You are Super Mom!

April Annie said...

What a beautiful girl!!! I can't get over all that hair! You're right, you forget how much time a newborn can consume. Best of luck and congrats to you and Dave. Your kids are lucky to have such amazing parents.

Thompson Family said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! Makes me want another little one. Congratulations!

jamirodana said...

She is so cute you guys!
Caden is so grown up isn't he?
Good work Felts!

JLB Family said...

She is so cute! Finally a little girl!! Hope that you are all doing well.

Cecily R said...

Congratulations!!!! She's beautiful!

Naomi said...

She is so beautiful! Congratulations! You are such a great mom!!!

Jenny said...

I seriously can't stand that I am not there loving on her! She is absolutely beautiful! I love you and can't wait to see her and you!!

Ruth Done said...

Congratulations! She is so beautiful! I'm so glad you get to do pink!

My Voice Marshfield said...

Congrats Nicole! She is beautiful!

mardymeans said...

A Big Huge Congratulations to ya!! I'm so excited you have a girl and you even spell her name the same as I spell my Haley's name!! She is so precious, I'm thinking I will be able to see you in January, I can't wait!! Your baby's exactly a year younger then my baby!!