Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

The night before Halloween the boys and I decided to carve their pumpkins. They each had one and were getting ready to choose what they wanted them to look like when Caden broke down in tears because he didn't want to cut his. So sad, but cute to. We didn't cut his!! Here are how Austin and Taylor's turned out.

So I thought I was going to be able and get a good picture of the boys in their costumes, but it just didn't happen. We had a fun Halloween though. Dave took the boys out trick or treating while I stayed home and tried to get rid of all our candy!

After they were all done and had more candy then we gave out, we had a fun little Halloween dinner. A friend made "mummy dogs" for a little party she did and I thought they were so cute, I made them for us. So we had "mummy dogs", witch fingers (french fries dipped in ketchup), green goblin goo (apple sauce died green), and dirty witch's brew to drink (chocolate milk). I was kinda sad after we ate because I didn't get a picture of the spread, it was pretty impressive! This is what the mummy dogs look like though:

After eating we went to a little party our friends were having. They had it in their back yard with a big flood light. A nice warm fire and hot cocoa kept the chill away. They had a wagon full of hay for a "hay ride" (which the boys loved) a pumpkin bean bag toss game, a "stick your hand in here and feel some brains, severed fingers, worm and eyeballs" thing. Goodie bags, costume contest, and a real live scarecrow! We had a really fun time!

Well, I went to the store today. All the Halloween stuff is 70% off and all the Christmas stuff is out in full force. What about Thanksgiving? I love this time of year we are going into. It makes me grateful for the fantastic family I get to share it all with.


Cecily R said...

Looks like the perfect Halloween! So glad you are all doing so well!

MommyMert said...

Yea for Halloween!! :) What fun you are as a Mom! How is Dave's achilles? Your kids look great. Love ya.

buffyvandabailey said...

Wish I could have been there to share the mummy dogs with you. Your boys are so cute. Miss you guys.

darthgoofy said...

it looks like Dave is sitting on the scarecrow's hand... that must have been uncomfortable.

Janese said...

Your boys looked so cute in their costumes and I loved their pumpkins! They turned out cute. Hope you're doing great!

mardymeans said...

Looks like you guys had an awesome Halloween! I love the mummy dogs! We had a similar meal for Halloween, except we just had hotdogs wrapped in crescent rolls and called them Halloweenies!