Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Few Random Happenings

There has not been a whole lot of exciting things going on around our house lately. Life is pretty much crazy but enjoyable. On the 18th Austin went in to get Botox injections in his left leg and a cast put on. He is such a trooper, they gave him Versed (sp) this time so that he wouldn't remember getting the injections, they give it to kids through their nose, kinda weird, but he didn't seem to care. Then he quickly got extremely relaxed and they did the procedure. Guess what? He really doesn't remember the shots. He remembers the "drips" in his nose and getting the cast on, pretty cool. The Botox is given to decrease muscle spasms and tightness and increase his range of motion. The cast is placed to help position the joints, stretch tight muscles and decrease muscle tone. Austin had this same procedure done last year with minimal results. The physical therapist thought he could really benefit form it again so we went for it. His first cast was on for a week (he choose bright the cones you see on the side of the freeway). The therapist took it off on Thursday and said that his range was already looking a little better, but next week she would know if the Botox is working. This time he choose a bright green cast...bright neon green!! It will stay on for a week, then he will get another one on and keep it on for 2 weeks. The cast really doesn't bother him, actually he tells me how much he likes it and how he likes walking in it. I'm sure it gives him some stability that he isn't used to having. Pretty great, we are very hopeful that this will help him greatly!

Austin and Taylor's school did spring pictures, not normal pictures though. They reminded me of Senior pictures in High School. We didn't order any but here are the proofs.

Let's see what else...Oh! The other day I went to Costco with a friend. When we got home I went upstairs to put some things away, Caden was downstairs doing a puzzle. I was probably upstairs for 10 min, when I came down, he was zonked out on the floor in front of the door. Caden has not taken a nap in months, I was shocked. He slept there for a good hour!
And last but not least, here is a picture of Dave's parents restaurant in Molokai...looks good hua? We are so excited to go over and have some fries and a shake! Good work Rod and Kerrie, it's is beautiful!!

Ba deep Ba deep Ba deep...that's all folks!!


Lindy said...

I didn't notice Austin's cast today! I hope it works for him this time.

EBD said...

What cute pictures! It is so nice to have a way to see your family and know what is going on even from far away. I love the story about Caden - Brianna went through the same thing a few months ago - I think she was growing because nothing fits anymore :) Keep on enjoying life there in Indiana.

MommyMert said...

Good Post! :) Hope the cast works.. They are growing up so fast! Crazy!!

Groff Family said...

Hey Nicole! I'm getting worried about you, hearing about all of the floods in Indiana. I hope you guys are okay!

Stefani said...

I love to pics of the boys. They are so handsome.